Dental Care

Your pet’s veterinarian is their primary health care provider, which means that your veterinarian is also your pet’s dentist. At Center Veterinary Hospital, we perform dental services including canine and feline comprehensive oral health assessment and treatments (COHATS). This includes cleaning, exam, tooth extractions, sealant applications, and digital dental x-rays.

Regular screenings with digital dental x-rays give us the added advantage of locating potential problem areas. Dental x-rays enable us to identify tooth root changes (like abscesses) and alveolar bone loss, and it gives us the opportunity to discover teeth that are painful or require extraction.

Dental disease is one of the most common problems that we see in dogs and cats. Neglected dental hygiene leads to a buildup of plaque on the surface of the tooth and below the gum line. Over time, the bacteria in the plaque leads to inflammation of the gums, the destruction of supportive tissues and bone which results in red gums, bad breath, tooth loss, gum infection, and pain. Periodontal disease is also linked to liver and heart disease and has the potential of shortening your pet’s life.

Diseases that affect the gums can cause pain and infection, in addition to causing the teeth to fall out. Periodontal disease is a constant source of infection to the entire body, making kidney, liver, heart valve disease, and bladder stones more likely for your pet.

The best prevention against periodontal disease is regular professional dental cleanings and a good daily home dental care program.

Signs of periodontal disease include:

  • • Pawing or rubbing at the mouth
  • • Drooling
  • • Decreased appetite
  • • Change in eating habits
  • • Bad breath
  • • Bleeding from the mouth
  • • Aggressive behavior

Center Veterinary Hospital offers dental services to pets in High Point, Trinity, Thomasville, Lexington, and beyond.